following coursewares provide access to the different contents of the
courses for the different categories of the EASA PART-66 license,
Category A1: Turbine aeroplane,
Category A2: Piston aeroplane,
Category A3: Turbine helicopter,
Category A4: Piston helicopter,
Category B1.1: Turbine aeroplane,
Category B1.2: Piston aeroplane,
Category B1.3: Turbine helicopter,
Category B1.4: Piston helicopter,
Category B2: Instruments & avionics,
Category B3: Light aeroplane.
All basic examinations shall be carried out using the
multi-choice question format.
Click on for more details:
Bank of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs):
AeroGATES and Cybel have developed a complete bank of
MCQs in accordance with the PART-66 regulations.
This material is mandatory to prepare the examinations and controls.